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Traffic cones
Traffic cones
Fast and efficient signaling for many applications
Our extensive range of traffic cones comprises different heights, different materials, different weights and different classes of reflective markings. You will therefore find the right product for your specific needs without any problem.
Please note that for use on public roads there are specific rules that may vary in each region or country. So first inform yourself before deciding which one you need.
All our traffic cones are stackable so that they only take up minimal space when you are not using them or you have to transport them. Never stack them too high so that they do not deform under the weight.
With the help of our specially designed universal chain hook you can effortlessly combine them with safety chains or ribbons and thus secure the risk zone even better. Even with chain hooks they remain perfectly stackable so that it is not necessary to remove the hooks after use.
Traffic-Shop also offers complete sets with hooks and chains, ready for use. Of course you can combine multiple sets or expand an existing set.
We recommend our fully reflective traffic cones for the areas with increased risk. They are a bit more expensive, but offer optimum visibility in all circumstances, including at night and in bad weather conditions. The extra investment does not outweigh the costs of an accident that is the result of insufficiently visible signage.
Our traffic cones make your work zone a safer place.

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